Remember me
East Forty LLC

You've built a great business.

We want to continue your legacy.




East Forty is a family-owned company located on the Front Range in Colorado. Our mandate is to help members of our family acquire profitable, well-established businesses in Colorado and surrounding regions.

Our family members become direct owner-operators and are involved in their businesses on a day-to-day basis. East Forty assists our family members by locating quality businesses for sale, providing access to financing, and helping navigate the business buying process. Subsequent to the sale, we are typically involved in a management advisory role.


  • We are not investors seeking a rate-of-return and a quick exit.
  • We are not a private equity company building a large portfolio of companies.
  • We are not a strategic acquirer looking to cut costs and eliminate jobs.

Above all, we want to preserve what you've built. We want to retain your employees, maintain your customer and vendor relationships, and continue your methods of doing business. When we eventually implement growth or improvement plans, they will be conservative, measured, and incremental.

We'd welcome the opportunity to tell you more about ourselves, our story, and our goals. Please contact us for a more personal look!



We are committed to buying great businesses. This is our full time job. We expect to complete one to two purchases every year.


Transferring a business can be complex. We want to structure our purchase in a way that works for both you and us and gets us to closing as fast as possible.


We understand the harm that can come if word gets out that your business is for sale. We will act at all times with discretion in all of our dealings.



We are committed to buying stable businesses, businesses that are profitable and have been for many years. We are not looking for "turn around" opportunities nor are we interested in trying to score a deal. We will pay you what your company is worth.

We're quite flexible as to the type of companies and industries that we will consider, but we do have a few hard criteria that are worth mentioning:

  • Stable / modestly growing revenues and profits for the past 3 to 5 years. No high-growth companies.
  • Gross revenues between $5m and $15m.
  • Low customer concentration.
  • We're not interested in retail, franchise, restaurant, or accommodation opportunities.

If you are interested in discussing the potential transition of your business with us, we encourage you to contact us to see if we might be a fit for you. You can be assured we will treat all of our communications with the utmost discretion.



We've put together some resources that will help you get started understanding what it takes to sell a privately-held small business. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to suggest other topics!

The Process of Selling Your Small Business

Demystify the process of selling your business from start to finish, including the NDA, the Confidential Information Memorandum, the Letter of Intent, the Purchase Agreement and other topics.

Preparing Your Small Business for Sale - Part 1

Learn how to prepare your business for sale, including the key documents you will need, creation of asset lists, financial statements to prepare, working capital considerations and more.

Preparing Your Small Business for Sale - Part 2

This is the second part of our two part series showing you how to prepare your business for sale including legal and environmental considerations, consulting arrangements and lots more!

How to Value Your Small Business

Understand how private businesses are valued and the key numbers you need to know, including SDE, EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA, Free Cash Flow, and several other important metrics.

Seller Carries, Earnouts, Earndowns, & Rollovers

Need to close a difficult deal? Find about some creative tools that can bring the parties together at the negotiating table including the seller carry, the earnout, the earndown and other methods.

What Motivates the Buyer of a Private Small Business?

Buyers worry about what they don't know, not what they do. They've already factored in what they understand into their decision to purchase your business and the price they will pay. Learn why!



We also offer comprehensive proposal development and management services. If you need help responding to proposal requests or just want to increase the number that you can respond to, take a look here for more information regarding how we can help, or contact us today.



Please contact Brad, James, or Chris with questions or for more information.

If we miss you, leave a message and we'll get right back to you!